Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
77108 Eureka Lorraine La région Lorraine
77118 Seminaria 4, Vertientes de la literatura hispanoamericana, RILMA 2 (México)/ADEHL(Paris), 2008
77121 Journal on Advances in Software
77122 Biblio 17 (supplément aux Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature)
77127 Journal Functional Analysis
77128 Revista Laguna
77129 European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2036-4091 Associazione Culturale Pragma
77130 Technical Sciences", University of Warmia and Mazury publishing,
77135 Cryptography and Security: From Theory to Applications
77139 Cuadernos del Trabajo social
77140 World journal of mechanics
77141 Lien Social. Le Forum du Jeudi
77150 Cyclocosmia
77158 Journal de l'Association Française des Interprètes en Langue des Signes
77159 Professions and Professionalism 1893-1049 Oslo: Professions and professionalism
77161 The 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC)
77167 Cahiers Dynamiques
77173 Œconomia (Cahiers de l'ISMEA, série PE)
77178 Oikonomikos Taxidromos
77183 Proceedings of ECCV2012 Ws/Demos
75186 8th International CDIO Conference
75187 Surface & Coating Technology
75192 Journal of Applied Research and Technology
75193 Open Autoimmunity Journal 1876-8946 Bentham Open
75194 Irish Journal of Sociology
75200 Spermatogenesis 2156-5554 Taylor & Francis
75205 La revue du club alpin français de Chambéry
75206 Mediterranea (Rome)
75211 PSAM10, 10th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management, Seattle USA
75212 38th ESReDA Seminar
75213 European Safety and RELiability (ESREL) 2010 Conference
75221 European Safety and Reliability Conference- ESREL 2010
75222 Reliability and Risk Management ESREL 2011
75223 Seventh American Nuclear Society International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies NPIC&HMIT
75224 Sixth International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output
75225 Proceedings of the 10th International PSAM Conference
75226 Proceedings of the European Safety and RELiability (ESREL) 2009 Conference
75228 ESREL 2010
75229 Sixth International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output, SAMO2010
75230 ESREL 2010 Annual Conference
75231 Opuscula - Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome
75232 Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars
75237 Mediterranea : quaderni annuali dell'Istituto di studi sulle civiltà italiche e del Mediterraneo antico del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche
75239 Competitiveness Review
75242 Photochemical & Phootobiological Sciences,
75244 Bulletin des Anglicistes Médiévistes 0240-8805 Association des médiévistes anglicistes de l'enseignement supérieur, Amiens
75245 Revue Internationales PME
75247 Combat nature
75254 AJAMES